I've been thinking about acid house and techno a lot lately, and whilst sifting through my collection (trying to track down and fill some of the gaps), I was reminded of just how damn killer Underground Resistance are.
And, in an odd coincidence, I also recently saw a post by Mike Mind, in which he stated:
"I've always secretly suspected that UR's reputation and image have overshadowed the actual music they put out -- that people know they're 'important' and have seen the logo on their favorite dj's t-shirt, but don't really know the music so well." I don't think I've ever seen someone actually wearing a t-shirt as such, but I have to agree - UR are something of a grey area for a lot of people (with the exception of a few hits, such as 'Knights of the Jaguar'). They have a blurry and slightly overwhelming list of releases, not to mention being a self-styled 'collective' rather than a single artist - Making UR harder to... 'identify' with, in a sense.
But, not to be deterred, and with such a large output, I doubt this will be my last post on Underground Resistance - there's some really great stuff, and it deserves a lot more attention than a search on Wikipedia.
Let's start with Acid Rain, shall we?
Underground Resistance - The Lightning [click to download]