Friday 9 November 2012


So I'm apparently late to this whole 'Vaporwave' thing. It's a 'micro-genre' that's already in decline. It's a shame really cos I dig the vibes and visuals for the scene. So I thought I'd share probably my favourite example of it. A little cassette tape called Chuck Person's Eccojams Vol. I. Now, Chuck Person is really just an alias for Daniel Lopatin of Oneohtrix Point Never fame, you may recognise some of the cuts on here from his youtube channel SunsetCorp.

click for big (1,003px × 596px)

now unfortunately because it's a half hour mix on both sides A & B, and because I've run out of soundcloud time I'm having to upload it to YouTube of all places. Butbefore that I'll leave you once again with a couple of bits I've posted before from OPN's Memory Vague that just so happen to be on this mix too! Enjoy.

In Red,
- Claude Van Foxbat

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