Wednesday 23 October 2013

Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo

It's time again! there's an awful lot of soundtrack stuff going on in this post so stick around for a grab bag of genres and vibes. No grooveshark players this time either, so you can actually skip forward or back in the tracks without leaving the site!

James Doolin - Study For Corporate Rise (1986)

First up is a little number from my childhood days by Rom Di Prisco, which plays out like a weird collision of 90's breaks and techno. I still think it's really well produced for its time, even though it does sound a little dated now (especially the title).

Giving Flying Lotus his own station in GTA V was a masterful move, though I would have liked to see what Hudson Mohawke came up with if he hadn't turned it down. By far my favourite of the tracks he produced for the game, it might not have that roughness of Los Angeles or the straight up experimentation of Cosmogramma, but The Kill is a shining example of what makes FlyLo's stuff consistently great.

Getting There from his latest LP Until The Quiet Comes also makes a stellar appearance on the tracklist of FlyLo FM, I've loved the tune since I first heard the teaser in the short film that accompanies Until The Quiet Comes. My only real complaint is that it's a shame it's so short!

And finally, HEALTH also contribute with their cover of The Units' High Pressure Days. HEALTH's usual noise-rock sensibilities take a backseat on this one and I gotta say I love it, I would love to hear more from them in this style soon!

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