Monday 10 April 2017

A Mixed Bag

Apologies in advance for the scattered selection of tracks, I went down the line doing some research on some rarer pieces in my collection, found some leads another miscellaneous good tunes on the way. Sarting with Mijk Van Dijk. I was just checking out his SC stuff on a whim, a lot of his stuff tends to be hit & miss with me, and to be honest this EP was mostly misses. But this is why we stick it out to the very end ladies and gents, because the last tune Power Slider hit my very small niche for songs that scratch my early 00's Wipeout itch (though as you may be able to make out from the cover, these tunes are actually from Ridge Racer V)

Now that that's out of the way, the rest of the tunes will be more of the downtempo variety. This one wasn't me searching out rarities, I like to check artists soundclouds and it just so happens that Funkstörung have two for some reason. On one of them is the promo copy of Disconnected, which as you may have already heard has little bits of interview spliced in. I kinda like it as an alternate version, reminds me of Miss Kittin's intermittent vocal musings on Radio Caroline Vol. 1, I appreciate they messed with the speed and whatnot to make it feel a bit more involved than just a simple cut 'n paste too. While it's pretty interesting, I'd still like a clean copy for daily listening, but even so, props to the Funkstörung lads for archiving it on the net.

And the Radio Caroline similarity what got me looking for this. Quite possibly the strongest contender in my library for hardest to google artist/track combination; Repeat with Studio 6.1.22, off the equally vague Easter EP. I normally try to avoid non-official soundcloud uploads for obvious reasons, but this one plain doesn't exist anywhere on any of Repeat's member's profiles (Plaid, Mark Broom & Dave Hill for the curious) so it'll do. The tune itself is gorgeous, it's nice to hear the full thing and not the 2 minute snippet on Radio Caroline (even if there isn't much more to the tune than what Kittin showed). Saying that I do kinda miss the spliced in samples from the compilation version, they added a little extra depth to the mix. Regardless it's a lovely little piece of instrumental down-tempo that may slightly stray into trip hop territory.

-Claude Van Foxbat

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