Saturday 12 September 2015

Back In Time

Ho boy, this took a little longer than expected to get together. Pay no mind though because it's here now. Today's focus is old things. Shock horror I know given how my usual posts look, but I promise you these things are older than usual (mostly). Here we go.

Jim Rosenquist - Circles Of Confusion And Lite Bulb (1966)

I was finally able to get my hands on something I've been after for a long time. My first taste of Dub, and a refreshing change from the Dub reworks I have of Massive Attack & Gorillaz. Here's Scientist with the second (and my favourite) track from his album with a rather long title: Scientist Rids The World Of The Evil Curse Of The Vampires. Don't let the title fool you though, the output is strictly mellow dub throughout.

Goldie ever so nicely reminded me today via an FB post that Timeless turns 20 today. The album remains a standout in my collection, a cracking debut and certainly a highlight when it comes to Drum & Bass overall. I would post the amazingly structured 21 minute long title track, but I figured I'd go with my other favourite and second longest track on the LP at a lengthy 12 minutes. I never tire of it, from the intro to the final fade Golide's expert combo of breaks and that ever present guitar keep me hooked.

And finally, something I was trying to hang onto if we ever got around to the 80's week I proposed we do forever ago. One of my favourite ambient pieces, from one of my favourite films, my love of cyberpunk is well documented here sure, but the atmosphere of Los Angeles 2019 (of the film of course) is perfectly captured by Vangelis here, and it helps that the synth sounds are absolutely gorgeous to boot. incredibly lush throughout, if you've never heard this one I highly recommend it, doubly so if you've never seen the film either!

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