Monday 15 January 2018

Spotify Monthly Selections January

The start of what I hope will be a regulrarly updating rotation of monthly selections now I've found a suitable streaming replacment in Spotify. January's choices are suitably cold, though it does kick off with a bit of warmth courtesy of the electropop stylings of Röyksopp, keeping it Nordic for a while with Kleerup and Anelli Drecker before moving into more indie pop territory with the likes of Little Dragon. ALl tied together with a suitably ambient ending seciton, featuring recent addition to my listening roster Ocouer. I'm hoping to keep this on a regular schedule from now, so expect a new playlist of what I'm digging aroundabouts the 15th of every month (with some slight tweaks for those weird shorted month like Feburary). See you all next 15th for more!

-Claude Van Foxbat

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