I'm here with some news about the site... The non-blind amongst the readers have probably noticed by now, but some visual changes have taken place. We are currently reworking the site to provide for a more organised, more appealing and extended reading pleasure.
As the buttons on the top of the page suggest: These changes will include adding several new pages to the blog.
- The Chat
- The Gallery
- Feature
- The Team
- Advertise
Phew, so that's what we're working on right now along with some other neat features, that might not see the light of day.
If any readers are interested in helping out with this time consuming process, you can always contact prez or me and we'll see if there's anything you can do for the site (basic web building/designing experience required however).
Now onto my post...
I've recently discovered this site that's definitely worth checking out. http://oneframeoffame.com Activate your webcams and start posing... Or are you creative enough to get into the ranks of featured contributors like me?
Check out my 2 last submissions :p

And because no post is complete without some mp3... Here's a nice DnB remix of Barbara Streisand by Duck Sauce
Duck Sauce - Barbra Stresisand (Love Thy Brother Remix VS Bassnectar)
Excuse me now as I get back to work, so I don't get scolded by our Prez for slacking.
One more thing, I need some feedback on how the new design is doing, so voice your opinions, Like the changes? Hate em? Got any suggestions? Let your voices be heard in the comments!
Enjoy, Mr. Brown
while it looks much better organized, no offense, but the graphics are a bit dated. neither the bg nor the buttons match the logo (other than by color), which is the best part. maybe if the buttons could be more solidly coloured like the headers and the grooveshark player, bright blue mouseovers perhaps. the bg could be more tron, like the logo ;)
sorry if that's too harsh, but i think it could be really awesome.
btw, the illustratins are awesome!
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