Tuesday 14 October 2014

Automated 3: The End (?)

Here's hoping things have gotten better on my end so I can actually write real time. If not this will be the sole update for a while. Less sentimentality let's get moving!

Jim Rosenquist - Croshatch And Mutations (1986)

Starting things right with an early Knife tune, got real love for their first self titled effort, a far cry from the cold electropop of Silent Shout, this one's more like an lo-fi indie electronic dealio with some dark undertones foreshadowing the direction they'd take.

More 8-bit-esque FlyLo, with a tune I like to listen to on the train because I enjoy musical irony. Leading the charge for the Pattern + Grid World EP alongside Clay, it's a bit of an oddity in FlyLo's output, but a damn good one to be sure. Still as good as when it came out.

Some more from House legend Felix here, though the album was pretty much mixed reaction from the press, I absolutely love the tracks in this style. I can't really think of anything else to compare it to, a lighter, less funky Chromeo maybe? Anyway, enjoy!

-Claude Van Foxbat


Anonymous said...

Claude, your blog simply to put, is a treasure trove for those with a finer musical taste. Keep trucking through, and don't forget to share more of these exotic tunes.

-a fan

Claude Van Foxbat said...

Thanks a bunch! It might be slow in the coming months because I just got into my final year at Uni, but I'll try keep things fairly regular! :)