Thursday 11 June 2015

Out In't Garden

Recent music buddy of mine Celadon City finally got around to putting out his latest release deal. And it's pretty gorgeous. You know how every time I posted a tune from Icarus I've been saying it's instantly in my summer playlist? Yeah they're all well and good through the day but Mr. City here, much like Pretty Lights before him, makes tunes for a more homey environment. Or as the man himself pus it: "garden-party electronica"

But wait there's more. Even with the cold breeze plaguing us here in England at the minute, these tunes are doing their bit and making everything feel a little bit more toasty. I'm in love with the second half of this one, it's chock full of little flourishes and gorgeous sounds.

Not to say there's nothing on offer here if you're lookin' for more upbeat dancy stuff. There's also a remix of the title track that gives it a little house injection that does actually sound a little like the Icarus stuff I've posted. I was skeptical at first (as I am with 90% of remixes) but it's a very nice compliment to the sweetness on offer here.

Find more Celadon City on:

-Claude Van Foxbat

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