Wednesday 7 July 2010

Coolest Mashup In Existence

That is all.


.Cracker said...

yeah earworm has been doing these for the past few years. it would be a good idea to head over to his website.

untra said...

That... is the most schizophrenic mashup I've ever heard.

Anonymous said...

You know, as much as I like Earworm's two most recent mashups, he really doesn't compare to Norwegian Recycling. The only thing is that Norwegian Recycling doesn't do much in the realm of electronic music.
Still worth checking out though since all his mashups are free under the Music section.

Colour said...

Haha all my friends are OBSESSED with this. For me, this is HELL old ;D

My friends-brothers-girlfriend is teaching my friend-brother to DJ and he quite often drops it in his sets. As does many other local DJs (frequently to end the night)

I was actually contemplating posting this.