Friday 16 July 2010

Sexy Dancing

Hi there, I just sawthe new video of Chromeo's single Night By Night.

It is sooooooooo sexy, David Macklovitch (the brother of A-trak) makes me question my sexuality! Damn he can dance...

Here's the song and and a brilliant remix by Smalltown DJ's. The percussions in the remix really make it a gem!

Short post out, enjoy!
Mr. Brown


session leopard said...


Boba Fettuccini said...

Not exactly new... been out there for quite some time ;)

I personally don't get it. Videos that don't seem to have some point to convey or story to tell bother me...

Zhang said...

I really like Siriusmo's take on Night By Night. Have a listen to it if you have the chance.

Colour said...

The skream remix isn't too bad either.

Mr. Brown said...

Sorry Boba, but I just found it yesterday and seeing the new album isn't going to be out for another 2 months I was guessing it was new...

The Siriusmo remix is good, but it sounds too electro for me, like he's forcing it into the genre...

Skream's is too chill for me :)