Monday 22 April 2013

Silver, Silver

I meant to put up the single dealie along time ago before computer trouble came along. Anyway, Warp Mainstay and lo-fi tune crafter Bibio has been teasing at upcoming LP Silver Wilkinson for a while now, and Warp has a new tune from it up for streaming on their soundcloud.

To my delight it's another cut and chopped hip hoping number that Bibio's been known to chuck in there every. The nice and dreamy intro gives way around a minute in letting that wonderfully chopped sample to slide on in and sit itself down in the mix lovely stuff indeed. Keep listening after the fadeout and you'll be treated to a lovely hazy soundscape that is no doubt influenced by Bibio's self proclaimed favourite album Music Has The Right To Children.

Also of note is this live version of Take Off Your Shirt from the T.O.Y.S single, cleverly and rather cheekily called Take Off Your Skirt. Like in Röyksopp's live shows he brings a totally different vibe to the tune, normally a fast paced indie style number. Also like Röyksopp live, this version features some liberal vocoder/talkbox working which just melds perfctly with the style. The reprisal at the end is pretty sweet too.

Gone Fishin',
-Claude Van Foxbat

1 comment:

Faux Effet said...

I'm blown away by You. Shit, that is a GREAT track.