Tuesday 16 August 2016

All Turned Around

Ellsworth Kelly - Cite (1951)

Not really feelin' it as of late, almost missed posting again among other things. So I'm just putting together some tunes that are apt for the time. Starting with Midge Ure's The Man Who Sold The World cover, a recent addition to my rankings but a solid entry nonetheless. Surprisingly modern sounding too considering it's from '82.

Been on a bit of a Blade Runner kick again too, the super expanded edition of the OST is a joy to listen to, with 36 tunes worth of material to get stuck into. This one's from the 'Inspired By' section of the expanded soundtrack, which normally I'd scoff at if it were anyone other than Vangelis himself doing it. A lovely listen too, not too sure that sax holds up as well as the rest of it, but who knows these days with vapourwave being a thing.

On a similar note, the old Artificial Intelligence series from Warp is crying out ot be the soundtrack to something vaguely retro-futuristic. Autechre's entry to the series and their debut LP Incunbula may have fallen out of favour with the band themselves, but I still love that distinctly of the era techno it has going on.

-Claude Van Foxbat

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