Tuesday 5 November 2013

Gunpowder, Treason & House

It's the 5th of November, which means over in the UK we all get together and make some stonking great fires and let off a few fireworks in celebration of some bloke named Guy Fawkes failing to blow up parliament in 1605. Which is just a little bit ironic.

It's a good time, especially if you can stand stinking of smoke for the next couple days. Now I could list some tunes about fireworks or whatever, but instead here's some house stuff I'm enjoying right now, starting off with a slow building number from Simian Mobile Disco. (Apologies for the crap video thumbnail - it's the only upload I could find)

Thins take a more downtempo turn here, featuring some lovely synth work throughout and even some Knife/Fever Ray style vocal contributions toward the end it's a great showcase of Rex's production, check it out in prep for his new releases!

New addition to the writing team Earl has a few tricks of his own, I dug out his Selectizm. comp for another listen not too long ago and fell in love all over again, He kills it in both the house and hip hop department. This track is no different, the breakdown with the cheeky Blade Runner sample is an early highlight.

Deadbeat Demon - Orion Hi

And finally, an often overlooked remix from Daft Club. The album gets a lot of flak but I dig the most of the tracks on it, and it features a pre-Get Lucky collab between the Punk and Pharrell! Here's the seven minute rework of Face To Face from Demon.

-Claude Van Foxbat

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