Saturday 22 August 2015

Soundcloud Roundup 4: Revengeance

Droppignby with another rundown of my feed, this time a more downtempo contributions than previous. Starting out once again with recent pals Mississippi Jones heading it up with more stuff from their forthcoming release, this time much more sedate than anything I've shared of theirs previously. Way back when I mentioned I couldn't see the Portishead comparisons being drawn with their work but it turns out I wasn't looking deep enough. Mississippi is almost a slightly less moody Beth Gibbons here.

Speaking of flexibility, Abbrev. is back with a flurry of new tracks in a variety of styles, a highlight of this being this psuedo-acid house number. Around halfway through there's an unexpected change in sound from the bleepy not-quite-acid to the kind of sugary sweet synths you'd hear from Rustie slowly come up from the background, and it changes to be a more housey number and it's so nice.

And finally, some more reposted goodness from Celadon City. I'm always game for more stuff that is like his, and of course his reposts are a solid source for this. I know I've said it a bunch about him before, but this sound is pretty much a modern Plone which was a gap in my library for a long time. I almost want the vocals to be vocoded like on Plone's Plock, but frankly I'm fine with it as is.

-Claude Van Foxbat

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