Thursday 25 September 2014

Pre-Uni Throwdown

'Bout two days left till I start Uni, hopefully won't impact the posting too much but just in case here's a quickie before I pop off. My long time subwoofer buddy Stenchman dropped a new tune under his house-y Philestine alias and I am in love with the into on it. Poor Stench is criminally underrated when he can do Dub, Hip Hop and House really bloody well.

Been touching more on the world of experimental electronic in prep for when I get my hands on the new AFX. Of course Warp remains the king in that area, and after many months stashed away cos I burned out on listening to it I am reminded why Clark's Body Riddle is one of my favourite albums, gorgeously produced throughout, even if sometimes feels like it's going to blow your head off.

Also I've been diggin the Selektor's older tunes recently (though Monkeytown is still my favourite). This one features Maxïmo Park, another Warp act and the collaboration works real well. Modeselektor really have a way with vocal stuff, as shown on their work with Thom Yorke and this is no different. Solid closer to a solid album.

-Claude Van Foxbat

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