Friday 12 September 2014

Thank You, Mr. Jenkinson

I owe Squarepusher a lot, between him and AFX and Boards Of Canada they were my my first dip into the wold of experimental electronic, and Warp Records as a whole which pretty much led to my position here. The man himself has a good number of releases under his belt, so in a few spare minutes I had I threw together a little look back over his releases and picked out some of my favourties, that I ever so creativley titled Pushin' Squares. Tracklist after the album art comp!

2020 Update: Currently the mix isn't hosted anywhere, it can't be on mixcloud b/c it's all Squarepusher, and I don't have room on the ilictronix soundcloud for it either. The mix isn't that good anyway so in lieu of that have players for each track below:

Sad Robot Goes Funny (Music For Robots, 2014)

Beep Street (Hard Normal Daddy, 1997)

I Wish You Could Talk (Go Plastic, 2001)

Goodnight Jade (Feed Me Weird Things, 1996)

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