Monday 28 July 2014

Nite Interviews: (exitpost)

Hey guys, Nite here once again! I was checking out some of the submissions we've been receiving the other day, and I happened to run across something (an LP) that perked my interests. So much so, that, within five minutes of briefly skimming over the LP, I fell in love with the whole thing. You're probably wondering : "Who is this guy?" Well, let me give you a brief rundown on him.

The guy's name is Kenneth Herman, and he operates under the alias (exitpost). Born in Tokyo and currently living in NYC, this gentleman creates downtempo-styled electronic music that is highly reminiscent of works like Bonobo, Kimchi, and Four Tet. His album, titled, Sweet Fade , takes these elements, and blends them together in a form of synergistic harmony.  The album was so impressive, in my opinion, that I could not help but set up an interview with the man himself, so you, the viewers can learn more about him. Let's get on, shall we?

 Nite: First off, Tell me a bit about yourself.
(Exitpost): My name is Ken, I reside in Manhattan and I perform and record electronic music under the moniker (exitpost).

Nite: Alright. What inspired you to get into the music business?
(EP):  I think music is pretty cool. As hopefully most people do. What inspired you to getting into music blogging?
Nite: I'd say the same thing myself. I've had a passion for electronic music for years, and felt that I could show others different types of electronic music that are not as well known stateside.

Nite: When composing music, what tools, equipment or program's do you use?
(EP): Yeah totally.
I would love to give a cool answer and name off countless analog synths and priceless hardware but I keep it relatively small. I just use a portable MIDI controller, a Telecaster, some pedals, a mic and an interface. Logic Pro is the bread and butter of all recording and sampling but I've started using Ableton a little bit for some sampling as well since I use that to play live. One day I'll probably try to do it all in one program - but for now I can record an idea fastest in Logic. When I'm working I like to have a little glass of soymilk on the side too. That's crucial.

Nite: Excellent. If there was one thing about being a musician that frustrates you, what would that be? More specifically, what about it frustrates you the most?
(EP): That's a good question. I'm not really sure to be honest because for every frustration, there's the validation of releasing music that resonates with people. The good tends to outshine the bad. I think the term 'musician' kind of frustrates me. It's a self-important title people latch onto. It's kinda meaningless, particularly today. Because of that, I think musicians and bands take themselves way too seriously just because they make music. They get so competitive! My favorite past time, other than crying and eating soup, is reading Facebook bios of bands I know. They're all so bad and all written by themselves. It's like being your own wing man at a party. Imagine introducing yourself in the third person. "My buddy Ken, now HE is unlike ANYONE else."

Nite: Very well said. Now on to a more album-centric question. Your LP, Sweet Fade was just recently released. What were your inspirations whilst making the album? 

(EP): Before making electronica, I was writing very forgettable indie rock anthems while trying to make exitpost more of a band. A couple of years ago, I got super into what guys like Mt. Kimbie, Bonobo, Four Tet, and Shigeto were doing. I was interested in a more electronic sound but I was learning the software while doing that so the first incarnations of tracks were pretty bad. 'Sweet Fade' starting taking off in the last 6 months, but the first track "Going" is from those early recordings. The whole thing has been cooking in the oven perhaps a little too long. I wanted to take a blend of real instrumentation, field recordings, vocal samples and electronic drum sounds into something emotive but also danceable. As I wrote this answer I learned that "dancey, "dancier" and "dancelike" are not real words but apparently "danceable" is. While making the album, I was getting really into Jon Hopkins, Bibio, some Bill Evans, and a little J. Dilla too so that informed the recordings. A lot of the samples are from my mom's record collection and stacks of CDs. She has a bunch of compilations from the Japan Airlines Midnight Cruise Radio series. It's all karaoke music. So yes, Japan Airlines was a big inspiration.

Nite: Very interesting. Where do you see yourself a year or two from now? 
(EP): As 24 and still getting carded. 

Nite: Alright. Lastly, do you have any advice to give to other music enthusiasts and upcoming artists out there?
(EP):  Support your fellow musicians. Listen and give feedback to each other. Also, when you wake up in the morning, have a glass of water before your cup of coffee. A nice, tall glass. Leave it by your bedside if you must. That quick morning hydration will kick start your day, I promise.

Thanks for chatting, Gavin. 
Nite: Likewise, thanks for taking the time to do this. 

 Ken's new album, Sweet Fade, is out now on bandcamp, for the low price of whatever you feel like paying for it. It's a nine-track EP, filled with etherial sounds and beats. I highly  recommend you guys listen to this. If my words are not enough to convince you, here's a few tracks from the EP that, hopefully, will do so.


Until Next Time,


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