Friday 26 February 2016

Stop The Presses

What's this? Me keeping to a schedule for the first time in a while? well I never, what's gotten into me? Well it just so happens that I have a render going again so I have no excuse not to do some writin'.

Alexander Liberman - Time (1952)

Honestly today is gonna be a pretty mixed bag, I've just let shuffle do it's thing while I've been keyframing. First is Stenchman's partner in grime Suspect, proving once again that dubstep doesn't have to be about big room warbles. (Please excuse the poor choice in image for the video from the uploader!)

Rex The Dog made an appearance again, with another remix included on his debut LP. Thanks to the album format they're a little shorter than the original release but that doesn't bother me too much, and in a shocking revelation I actually like this one more than the remix of The Knife's Heartbeats on the same LP.

And finally another visit to Junior again. While I was looking up this tune on a whim I found out there's an instrumental version floating around, which seems weird to me because Anneli Drecker always nails it whenever she features on Röyksopp stuff. And even if you weren't a fan, there's plenty of breaks in the tune without her to get your fill of that synthy goodness.

-Claude Van Foxbat

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