Friday 23 May 2014

Pre Deadline Quickie

Taking a break from making sure everything's in order for me hand-in next week to lay some tracks down for ya. Hope to keep this one short so sit tight.

Andreas Nilsson - Landskap Norsken

Another blast from the past here, I actually remember grabbing this through illegitimate means circa 2003. I can practically recite this tune note for note given the amount I've listened to it. Good news is I wouldn't give you a decade old 128kpbs file, I've since changed me ways. Enjoy.

Another tune I've had on my HDD for a loooong time, ripped this one for a friend digitising his vinyl collection. We picked it up back in like 2005 when we were out searching for the elusive Roulé and Crydamoure. Pretty solid house actually, shame the guy never really put out much more than a few EPs.

And finally and extra minimal bit from the special edition of Temporary Pleasure. When I picked it up I wasn't too big on minimal, still ain't, but I branched out a little in that direction. It was pretty clear SMD were gonna head out in a techno direction after this with Delicacies, especially given the title of this track.

-Claude Van Foxbat

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