Friday 13 June 2014

Revisiting an old friend: Sepalcure

Fate is a bizarre phenomenon. You have those albums where your lukewarm when you first heard them and then overtime life happens and you rediscover and fall in love with the record. This just happened to me with Sepalcure's self titled album. Sepalcure is a super group consisting of Praveen Sharma and Machinedrum and this release is better than anything Machinedrum has put out. (#SHOTSFIRED)

I was never super hot on all the post dub-step especially around 2011. But after spending a lot of time with Jamie XX, James Blake and Mount Kimbie I think I "got it" and was finally ready. Yes this album came out in '11 but its literally the only I can listen to right now, and that's saying something because Death Grips just dropped a surprise album with Bjork
Lets go through some of my favorite cuts off the album and revisit this monster of an album. 

This one starts off pretty average, but then around the 2:30 mark that beautiful synth rolls in and just whisks you away. 

A pretty stellar Reggae vibe on this one. The manipulated vocal sample just swirls around with that echo'ed piano, its dizzying but in the best way possible. 

The real meat of the album, one of my favorite beats of all time. Its dark, busy and the production keeps all the intricate layers of track in place so nothing sounds blown out. Once that bottom end comes in, you know this is a special track. The urgency of the beat is what makes it whet my whistle. 


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